Adult and Teen Refresher Programs

At least twice yearly, The Speech & Stuttering Institute conducts refresher programs which are open to all graduates of the Adult/Teen Intensive and Weekly Fluency Plus Programs.  Refresher programs provide individuals with the opportunity to re-establish fluency skills in the context of large group review sessions.  The Institute typically offers a weekend refresher in December and a one week advanced refresher in either April or June.  At other times of the year, former clients requiring additional support may contact the Institute to set up individual review sessions.  These sessions are subject to clinician availability at the time and can be conducted in person or via video conference.

Watch this video to see four of our recent Fluency Plus Program graduates discuss the value of our refresher program for them and why it was worth the travel to Toronto to attend.   Truly an inspiration for all!

Please check back for the date of the next Refresher Program.


Fluency Plus Refresher Dec 2015  Fluency Plus Refresher Dec 2015 MK